The door to a massive ship hisses open as a man steps out, struggling to carry a big pile of equipment. He can be seen squabbling with a couple golden-skinned valets before hurrying away. You could probably blend in with them just fine, being a Sovereign Citizen yourself.

The Cargo Bay

Kin Media

(NEO) The World Ends With You
Chainsaw Man
Guardians of the Galaxy
Dan Vs.
Splatoon / Coroika
Bungou Stray Dogs
DOTA: Dragon's Blood
FNF: Hotline 024
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

You hear music coming from deeper within the ship. In this room is the first instance of the various stickers and magnets lining the walls. It seems as though he takes pride in decorating his space.

Some small beds line the walls, accompanied by pitiful storage space in the form of cupboards.
More decor is plastered onto the surrounding structures, giving the room a bit more life.
Music still echoes through the ship, but takes more form at a closer distance. It sounds like old rock ' n ' roll, slightly nostalgic.

Frye (Splatoon)
Pearl (Splatoon)
Uzuki Yashiro (N:TWEWY)

The Living Quarters

Kin List

Peter Quill (GOTG)
Chris Pearson (Dan Vs.)
Tosai "Fret" Furesawa (N:TWEWY)
[Redacted] (GT:PD)
Angel (Musickin)
Violet (Arcane)
Peter Quill (GotG)
Aki Hayakawa (CSM)
Kunikida Doppo (BSD)
Nikku (FNF:H024)
P03 (Inscryption)
All Else
Listography (updated regularly)

Note: While I like the star system to display kin strength, these are loose guidelines! I would abolish the strength system if I didn't love the look of the stars so much.

The Music Deck

Kin Boundaries

+ Doubles are fine across all my kins unless stated otherwise!
+ I am aroace through all of my kins.
+ Memories/mediatalk is usually fine across all my kins, except comfort or negative shifts. I'm already in a bad place while I'm kinning them, so please be gentle and respectful.
+ Platonic PDA is generally okay. Anything romantic or sexual is not appreciated!

This seems to be the source of the music. Numerous cassette tapes lie on the shelf next to the player with titles like "Awesome Mix," or "Fuckass Tunes."
Decorations still line the walls and shelves, nostalgic knickknacks like troll dolls and amorphous stress and fidget toys join the mix.
One more door lays ahead, presumably leading to the cockpit.

+ My pronouns may change depending on who I'm kinning. Check out my for more info on my labels and boundaries.
+ Please don't sexualize me or anything I say, it makes me feel gross. In addition, please don't sexualize my kinned characters.
+ Please don't hit on me or flirt with me because those make me very uncomfortable.

The prominent sound of jumping melodies, with perhaps a twinge of old misogyny, is now behind you.
This area appears to be significantly less bedazzled than the others. Much of the walls or shelving is taken up by wires, levers, buttons, speakers, screens, any technology you could imagine.
Multiple seats decorate the floor, and a complex control panel sits at the head of the room below a massive breadth of windshield. Just about the only thing you can't see is the ground below.

The Cockpit

Trope List

+ Outgoing; Loud in a charming/authentic way
+ Protective/kind older sibling energy; Values and protects their friends/family above everything
+ Acts impulsively
+ Either has very colorful vocabulary, or doesn't want to waste their breath
+ LOVES music/music is highlighted in their media
+ Things that have an affinity with fire
+ Is a very hard worker—sometimes to the point of exhaustion
+ Has a very strong sense of justice
+ Usually masc
+ Cat-coded

- Anger issues
- Introverted, antisocial, or can't read social cues
- Self esteem issues; People-pleaser
- Identity issues
- Gets annoyed if things aren't done their way (or "the right" way)
- Not good at communicating their needs and emotions, making it more difficult to help others as well
- Hardheaded, stubborn, doesn't relinquish beliefs or values until completely convinced.

The ship is just as you left it. Sovereign citizens can be seen fussing over where to park it. A few of them are complaining about the cacophany coming from inside the ship, calling it an, "infernal racket," and arguing over how to turn it off.